How was the Quilt Acquired?:Heritage familialName of Maker:MargueriteMaiden Name of Maker:VeilletteSurname:GagnonRelationship to Owner:MerePlace Maker Lives/Lived:Region de Trois - RivieresPlace Made: (Known or Estimate):knownPieced by (top):Marguerite VeilletteQuilted by:Marguerite VeilletteYear Made:1954Year is (accuracy):EstimatePlace Made:St. ProsperOther notes:D'apres un patron dans "Recuperation" par Francoise Gaudetsmet edition paysane - 1943-Receuil de modele - des -ecoles menagere je possede l'original de cette edition alnsi que le patron en carton fait par mamanSize in Inches:68"×49"Size: Irregular?:NoPattern:Les VoilliersColour (dominant):Olive / noirGeneral Condition (Top):Good, UsedTechnique:PatchworkHand or Machine Made:MachineBlock Numbers (whole):18Size:9"×9"Border Number:2Border Width(s):4" 3"coteBorder Total Width (w/ Binding):4+3"Border Colour(s):Olive/noirBorder Colour(s): Plain or Print:Plain, PrintedCorners:StraightFabric:WoolEdging:Homecut Straight Binding, Hand, Machine, Front turned back, ColourQuilting (hand):HandQuilting (machine):NoQuilting Condition:PoorStitches Per Inch & Thread Colour:3, BlackTied:NoQuilting Pattern (main block):Lignes diagonalsBacking Condition:GoodBacking Fabric:PrintedNumber of Pieces:3Number of Pieces: One fabric or Different Fabrics?:One Fabric
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