How was the Quilt Acquired?:Fait par le propriétaire.Name of Maker:CinziaMaiden Name of Maker:AlloccaOccupation:Prof. de courtepointe et couturePlace Maker Lives/Lived:MontréalPlace Made: (Known or Estimate):ConnuPieced by (top):Cinzia AlloccaQuilted by:Cinzia AlloccaYear Made:2007Year is (accuracy):ConnuPlace Made:MontréalMarkings: Other?:En haut à gauche, Broderie Noire "Cinzia 02-07".Other notes:Faite avec tissus de retailles seulement.Size in Inches:90 ¾" x 66 ¼"Size: Irregular?:NonPattern:Cabane rondins géanteColour (dominant):MultiGeneral Condition (Top):BonneTechnique:PatchworkHand or Machine Made:MainBlock Numbers (whole):1Size:Courtepointe elle-mêmeColour:MultiBorder Total Width (w/ Binding):½"Edging:Maison, cousue main droit filEdging Detail: Other?:BonneBatting:CotonBatting Detail: Other?:Mince, crèmeQuilting (hand):MainQuilting Condition:BonneStitches Per Inch & Thread Colour:Fil jaune, 6-7 points par pouceTied:NonQuilting Pattern (fill-in blocks):Dans la coutureBacking Condition:BonneBacking Fabric:Coton, crème, impriméNumber of Pieces:1Number of Pieces: One fabric or Different Fabrics?:Même tissu
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