How was the Quilt Acquired?:Inheritance.Name of Maker:MarthaMaiden Name of Maker:CarmichaelSurname:StewartRelationship to Owner:DaughterOccupation:NursePlace Maker Lives/Lived:Ottawa, Toronto, Farnham, SherbrookePlace Made: (Known or Estimate):KnownPieced by (top):Martha CarmichaelQuilted by:Alta Forster and Heather ForsterYear Made:1941-1942Year is (accuracy):KnownPlace Made:OttawaOther notes:The quilt was made in 1941-1942 for Martha Carmichael's son William (Billie) Carmichael who was a fighter pilot at that time. When he was declared missing then dead one month later (in Karachi, India) Martha could not finish sewing the back on or do the quilting. The material for the back with the airplanes on it was given to families whose relatives were in the Air Force (one had to apply for it). After Martha died the present owner found it in her quilting box. She asked friends to quilt it for her. Alta Forster and Heather Forster pieced and quilted this quilt in 1995. The quilt is now owned by Elaine Bromby (Billie's sister) who was born in 1945 three hyears after his death.Size in Inches:89½" x 67½"Size: Irregular?:NoPattern:Embroidered morning gloriesColour (dominant):WhiteGeneral Condition (Top):Good, never usedTechnique:EmbroideredHand or Machine Made:Hand, machineBlock Set:StraightBlock Numbers (whole):63Size:7½"Colour:WhiteBorder Number:1Border Width(s):5½"Border Total Width (w/ Binding):5¾"Border Colour(s):WhiteBorder Colour(s): Plain or Print:PlainCorners:StraightFabric:100% cottonEdging:Homemade, hand, machine, straight of goods, front turned back, blue-whiteBatting:UnknownBatting Detail: Other?:ThinQuilting (hand):HandStitches Per Inch & Thread Colour:5 stitches per inch, white threadTied:NoQuilting Pattern (main block):Flowers, fleurs-de-lis, butterfliesQuilting Pattern (borders):Butterflies, fleurs-de-lisBacking Condition:Good (never used)Backing Fabric:Blue, printed (see notes for details)Number of Pieces:4Number of Pieces: One fabric or Different Fabrics?:Different fabric
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