How was the Quilt Acquired?:Made by owner.Name of Maker:MarleneMaiden Name of Maker:HarrisSurname:ScottOccupation:RetiredPlace Maker Lives/Lived:Montreal, KahnawakePlace Made: (Known or Estimate):KnownPieced by (top):Marlene ScottQuilted by:Marlene ScottYear Made:2004-2014Year is (accuracy):KnownPlace Made:Australia, Alberta, KahnawakeSize in Inches:100½" x 87½"Size: Irregular?:NoPattern:Variation of Cathedral WindowColour (dominant):MauveGeneral Condition (Top):GoodTechnique:PatchworkHand or Machine Made:HandBlock Set:On PointBlock Numbers (whole):324Size:6 1/8"Colour:MauveFabric:100% CottonEdging:No EdgingBatting:n/aQuilting (hand):HandStitches Per Inch & Thread Colour:4 stitches per inch, mauve threadTied:NoQuilting Pattern (main block):Edge of the scallopBacking Condition:GoodBacking Fabric:Mauve, printedNumber of Pieces:324Number of Pieces: One fabric or Different Fabrics?:Different fabric
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